
Quick start guides

Fetching wrappers (JS apps)

This step-by-step guide shows you how to use the Polywrap client in React.js applications. The client enables your app to fetch any deployed wrapper.

Client libraries

The client is available for JavaScript apps today with Rust and Python coming in the near future.

Template application

The template application serves as an environment for learning how the Polywrap client works. To create a project, run:

npx polywrap create app typescript-react my-app
cd my-app && yarn

Existing applications

To add the client into an existing React application, run:

npm install --save @polywrap/react

Setting up the provider

PolywrapProvider wraps your React app, making the Polywrap client available to any nested components.

// index.js

import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { PolywrapProvider } from '@polywrap/react'

function App() {
  return (
      <h2>My Polywrap app!</h2>

    <App />

Configuring the provider

PolywrapProvider supports redirects to forward the client from one URI to another.


const redirects = [
    from: 'ens/wrapperv1.eth',
    to: 'ens/wrapperv2.eth'

  <PolywrapProvider redirects={redirects}>
    <App />

Invoking a wrapper

After wrapping our React app with the provider, we can instantiate usePolywrapInvoke to fetch wrappers. usePolywrapInvoke also handles the request cycle from start to finish, including tracking loading and error states.

import { usePolywrapInvoke } from '@polywrap/react'

const { execute, data, error, loading } = usePolywrapInvoke({
  uri: 'ens/api.helloworld.polywrap.eth',
  method: 'logMessage',
  input: {
    message: 'Hello World!',

The client fetches the wrapper resolved from the given uri. The method indicates the function to be invoked on the wrapper and input is the arguments passed into the invoked function.

Getting started